In the study of John C. Maxwell’s great book, Developing The Leader Within You 2.0, in chapter one, John writes that leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. This chapter also talks about the 5 levels of leadership, where level one is position. Just because one has the title is no indication of leadership.

Influence really begins with level two: the permission leader. Those who follow a leader give that leader the permission to lead. Without that permission, leadership cannot be effective. The positional leader may have the authority, but if that is all they have, effective growth is stunted.

I’ve been teaching on this subject for some time with many companies and individuals and I invite you to reach out via the link below and let us see how this great leadership training can benefit you and your organization.

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Better yet, call me at 480-327-8751, and let’s chat about your needs and desires to grow.